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Maxine Gordon Palomino

Literary Arts, Theatre/Performance, Other

Maxine is a passionate storyteller who weaves together tales that engage the senses and captivate audiences. Her stories celebrate the rich cultural diversity of the Caribbean and African countries, while also delving into folktales from around the world. Whether it’s tales of joy, thought-provoking narratives, or whimsical nonsense stories (and sometimes even songs!), Maxine’s performances leave a lasting impression.

Hailing from Jamaica, Maxine also shares personal and cultural stories that reflect her Jamaican heritage. She has graced a wide range of events, delighting audiences of all ages.

Maxine’s storytelling journey is deeply rooted in the rural traditions passed down by her parents and grandparents. This oral tradition serves as the foundation for her work as a griot—a role she embraces with reverence. Her commitment to preserving lesser-known stories is fueled by an ancestral connection, and she has even assisted families in recording their own family histories.

Beyond storytelling, Maxine is a poet, short story writer, and a dedicated host of cultural and author events. As a co-founder and co-host of “Ancestral Voices We Belong,” she has been working on spotlighting and amplifying Black, Indigenous, Caribbean, and African authors and creatives since 2020*.

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