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Frequently Asked Questions

I’d like to post my York Region event in the Experience York Region event calendar. How do I do this?

Click “Register” or “Login” button located in the top right hand corner of the home page. For first time users, you will be guided to register for an Experience York Region profile with a York Region Art Council membership account. You can then log in and post your event with your user ID and password. Please make a note of your passwords. If you forget your password, you can request that the password be sent to you once you log in. The event calendar is easy to use and instructions are provided.

Events will be approved by a YRAC staff member in one to three business days. 

You can email your event information to We require a Jpeg file of your poster or event image. Pictures should be 1080 pixels width by 1350 pixels height; please do not email us a PDF file. Please provide a concise description of your event – who, what, where, when, why and cost. We will try our best to post your event within two business days and may edit the content based on available space.

If you would also like your event to be shared in our monthly newsletter, please send us your information at least four (4) weeks before your event is held.

In order to post an event, create a business listing, or an artist profile on you will need to select a membership option with the York Region Arts Council, who operate this site. Membership options and all applicable benefits can be found here.

Please email us directly at for more information for advertising in a publication.

Should you have any additional questions, please call Access York at 1-877-464-9675 to speak to a Customer Experience Associate during the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm from Monday to Friday.

Please login or register for an account per the instructions above. When you have a registered profile, you will be able to edit all information at any time! IF you have any issues accessing your account or need a password reset, please email

Click register and choose artist. Make sure you have an active YRAC membership account. Complete the easy self guided registration form and then create your Artist Profile. Be sure to take advantage of all the features available to you to promote you and your work.

You can email us at