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Richmond Hill Ribfest returns for three days starting tomorrow


Friday July 22

Richmond Hill Ribfest
Dates & Times:
July 22 from 12pm to 10pm
July 23 from 11am. to 10pm
July 24 from 11am to 7pm
Location: Richmond Green Park- 1300 Elgin Mills Road
East, Richmond Hill, L4S 1M5
Cost: Free (Food & drink available for purchase)
Welcome to Ribfest – a three-day outdoor festival in the
heart of Richmond Hill! Ribfest features professional rib teams travelling to Richmond Hill from across North America. “Ribbers” cook and compete for various best titles (as decided by honorary judges). In addition to many delicious food options, enjoy live entertainment and/or play all day in one of the region’s largest midways! The ever-popular beer garden will be back
once again selling local craft beers.

Movies in the Park
Movie: Ghostbusters (1984)
Location: Memorial Park- 2 Park Drive, Whitchurch-Stouffville
Time: 9pm – 11pm (Movies begin at sundown)
Cost: Free
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy family favourites under the
stars! A food vendor will be available at each movie selling a variety of treats for you to enjoy while watching a spectacular movie.

Christmas in July
Location: Main Street Stouffville, L4A 2S5
Time: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Cost: Free
It’s never too soon for Christmas. We’re celebrating Christmas in
July with a ho-ho-whole bunch of fun. We may not have snow, but we’ll
definitely have plenty of the festive spirit. Come check out this super
sidewalk sale! July 23
KidZfest at Canada’s Wonderland
Location: Canada’s Wonderland- 1 Canada’s Wonderland Drive, Vaughan
Time: 10am – 10pm
Cost: KidZfest is included with park admission
If you’re looking for things to do in Toronto with kids, head up to Vaughan for Canada’s Wonderland’s KidZfest. This is the ultimate family event featuring plenty of kids activities, live entertainment, dance parties and more! Plus, we’ll have appearances from special guests, to be announced soon!

Yoga at the Manor: Yoga Movement and Meditation
Location: Hillary House and Koffler Museum of Medicine- 15372 Yonge Street
Time: 10am – 11am
Cost: $10 per person
The series Yoga at the Manor is run at Hillary House from 10AM to 11AM on select Saturdays. Tickets are $10 per person, suitable for ages 13 and up. Please bring your own mat.
Register through our website or by phone. It’s been said through the generations that “Movement without awareness is exercise. Movement with awareness is yoga.” Connecting to the earth and opening our hearts to the sky we will flow through a gentle yoga practice and a grounding, feel good meditation.

Food Truck Frenzy
Location: Memorial Park- Park Drive and Burkholder Street
Time: 3pm – 8pm
Cost: Free (Food and drink available for purchase)
Live music, exceptional food, family fun!

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