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York Region Arts Council launches 12 Days of Giving tomorrow


A great escape: Win a $100 gift certificate each weekday until December 23 in the 12 Days of Giving presented by the York Region Arts Council and Among the items in this year’s giveaway: Crypto Escape Rooms, above, and below, from left, Treetop Trekking, Splash and Boots at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, fine dining at The Flying Fish and a bouncin’ good time at Air Riderz.

The York Region Arts Council and are thrilled to announce the return of the annual 12 Days of Giving – this year featuring nine different York Region experiences and three fine dining options.

Starting tomorrow and running until December 23, YRAC and will give away one $100 gift certificate each weekday to a York Region property.

We’ve got Treetop Trekking in Stouffville, children’s entertainment in Richmond Hill and water fun in East Gwillimbury. We’ll give you chance to escape from a crypto room in Newmarket, discover how high you can bounce on a trampoline in Aurora and discover four-season recreation in Georgina.

Entering to win is easy.

You can subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter (click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page) or you can share our daily Instagram post – #ExperienceYR.

Every share is a new entry, so share often and increase your chances of winning one of our great 12 Days of Giving prizes.

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